Monthly Archives: January 2015

2 Christmas Tournaments

Over Christmas break I decided I want to make my semi-annual trip to Foxwoods to play some poker. I picked a $100 tournament on 12/30 as it started at a good time, 11:00, and had a mostly nice deep-stack structure, … Continue reading

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Hand of the Day #2

Effective stacks are 70,000 and we’re 600/1,200/200. There is a middle position raise to 4,700. That’s pretty big and I was putting him on the weak side of his range. I am in the SB and have A/4d. Everyone else … Continue reading

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Gargoyle Update – Season 9 Underway

Since I lost my blog, I’m not really sure where I left off. In November, I ended up taking 20th place. There were 2 hands of note: 1 – After being brain/situation/card dead for a couple of hours, I call … Continue reading

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Hand of the Day

Trying to blog a little bit more so decided to share this recent hand of the day: 9 players currently at a 10 player table. I have 65,000 and the average stack is around 40,000. 400/800/100 Fold, fold, Limp x6. … Continue reading

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Cruise Poker 2014

Just got back from a cruise vacation and had the opportunity to play some poker. All $1/$2 instead of the usual Sit-&-Go tournaments this time though but still on the PokerPro machines. Monday – Really wanted to focus on patience … Continue reading

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